Home / News / Mäkelä plays cello in trio with Yuja and boy wonder

Mäkelä plays cello in trio with Yuja and boy wonder

Aug 10, 2023Aug 10, 2023

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norman lebrecht

August 02, 2023

Power couple Yuja Wang and conductor Klaus Mäkelä adopted young violinist Daniel Lozakovich for a Rachmaninov trio at the Verbier Festival.

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so he can do ’em all ? power conductor, power cellist, power yuja conqueror? come on, it get s really annoying ..

He’s a capable cellist.

If he weren’t the music director of Paris and the Concertgebouw, no big time artist would play chamber music with him (certainly not Yuja, even as a boyfriend).

Per his Wikipedia page, he’s been a soloist with several Finnish orchestras, presumably all as a teenager (before his conducting career took off). Who’s to say he wouldn’t be a world-class soloist if he hadn’t gone into conducting?Very few artists manage to be both professional instrumentalists and conductors on top level. Some conduct from the keyboard/violin, sure. But all the others put one above the other, and rely on either career to prop up the other.

How many conductors are not capable anythings?

Lozakovich is 22 now. He’s not a “boy”.

“Boy” is a result of extensive Gergiev’s patronage. Interestingly, what does Lozakovich think about Gergiev’s support to putin regime and war?

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